Artist Room




A female artist with a lot of secrets.

"Brave shine" really blew me off. Her voice inherently has both of nature "Wlid of boys" and "Innocence of little girls".
By the way ,She is a woman who has a lot of secrets.Her any profile and background including real name isn't disclosed in public at all. Incidentally her name as artist "Aimer" should be pronounced as "Eme" .It derives from french verb "aimer" which means "love" "like". Not only name. Still more,she's been covered by misteries.People couldn't have even seen her looks clearly for a long time.Try watch her videos.Even in the videos she doesn't reveal her figure on purpose. She's always covered with shade. But even such a mysterious artist like that at last showed up in TV show in 2016.I want to believe this became a trigger for her to go outside countries positively.


  • Female
  • Pop
  • Anime
Birth Year : 不明
Years Active : 2011〜


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